If you would like to have an international marriage with a Japanese person in Osaka, please feel free to contact us.
10:00~17:00 (Closed Thursday) Reservation required
TEL : 050-5361-1645

Current status of international marriage

The table below shows the number of marriages by nationality in 2021 when Japanese people got married to foreign nationals, according to research by Health Labor.
Looking at the table, Japanese men’s international marriages are more than three times as many as women’s international marriages, and men are more likely to marry Chinese women, followed by the Philippines and South Korea/North Korea.
Among the women, there are many Koreans and Americans, followed by China.
As you can see from this data, there are more males than females among Japanese people who get married at our company, and more of the partners are of Chinese nationality.

Number of marriages in 2021 by nationality of husband and wife

Country of Citizenship year 2021
Total number of marriages in Japan 707,734
Japanese couple 673,341
One of the couple is a foreigner 34,393
Husband Japanese/wife foreigner 26,747
Wife Japanese/Husband Foreigner 7,646

Number of marriages in 2021 by nationality of couples

Country of Citizenship year 2021
Total number of marriages in Japan 707,734
Japanese couple 673,341
One of the couple is a foreigner 34,393
Husband Japanese/wife foreigner 26,747
Wife Japanese/Husband Foreigner 7,646

Data for Japanese husbands and foreign wives

Husband Japanese/Wife Foreigner 26,747
wife’s nationality
South Korea, North Korea 4,113
China 12,733
Philippines 5,755
Thailand 1,225
USA 179
UK 56
Brazil 273
Peru 93
Other country 2,320

Data for Japanese wives and foreign husbands

Wife Japanese/Husband Foreigner 7,646
nationality of husband
South Korea, North Korea 1,879
China 986
Philippines 156
Thailand 58
USA 1,453
UK 367
Brazil 290
Peru 90
Other country 2,367